Get the Answers You Need. Now.
Trusted specialist advice on demand, across more than 30 specialties, on your mobile phone or laptop.
A Range of Use Cases.
EKG Clarity

Have EKGs reviewed by a cardiologist to keep your patient out of the ED or clear them for surgery.

Diagnostic Imaging
Get common imaging reports reviewed by a radiologist.

Have lab results reviewed by a specialist before or during a patient visit to prepare for next steps.

Dermatology Issues

Send images of rashes and moles to a dermatologist to save your patient a visit or confirm your diagnosis.

Medication Management

Ask a pharmacist about medication dosage, side effects, drug interactions, or polypharmacy.

Unfamiliar or Obscure Diagnoses

Chat with a specialist about any clinical case that might be stumping you.

Easy as 1, 2, 3.
We’ve made PicassoMD simple, fast, and easy to use.
First Available
To get instant, reliable clinical input, just tap the "First Available Curbside" button and select the specialty for which you have a question.
Simple as Chat
Consults are just like texting with a friend. Quickly add images (e.g., EKGs or X-rays) if you need. Best of all, PicassoMD is 100% HIPAA compliant.
Instant Referral
Any completed curbside can be turned into a referral at the tap of a button. We'll keep you in the loop with updates when the patient is scheduled and seen.
Streamline Transitions & Coordinated Care

No more fighting with fax machines or writing referrals by hand. PicassoMD simplifies referrals and enables ongoing care coordination.

More about referrals
Maximize Shared Savings

Every use of PicassoMD saves an average of $240 in unnecessary medical costs. By using PicassoMD, providers can maximize shared savings opportunities.

More about value-based-care
Results Matter.
Contact us to see how PicassoMD can improve your provider workflows and patient outcomes while drastically reducing unnecessary care.
Can I work with specialists I already know?
Healthcare is local, and we'd love for you to work with your trusted specialists. Invite them through the app to get started.
Who are the specialists answering my questions?
The specialists that answer your curbside questions are local, high-value specialists vetted by PicassoMD and providers like you. If a local specialist is not available, your question may be answered by PicassoMD's team of world-class specialists.
[Malpractice concern]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet facilisis leo urna porttitor sed bibendum gravida dolore.Convallis arcu scelerisque quisque facilisis praesent.
vitae dolore senectus euismod iaculis maecenas dapibus phasellus risus.Porttitor vitae vivamus praesent duis proin molestie duis nunc dictumst gravida ut nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet facilisis leo urna porttitor sed bibendum gravida dolore.Convallis arcu scelerisque quisque facilisis praesent.
vitae dolore senectus euismod iaculis maecenas dapibus phasellus risus.Porttitor vitae vivamus praesent duis proin molestie duis nunc dictumst gravida ut nisi.
how do I get started?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet facilisis leo urna porttitor sed bibendum gravida dolore.Convallis arcu scelerisque quisque facilisis praesent.
vitae dolore senectus euismod iaculis maecenas dapibus phasellus risus.Porttitor vitae vivamus praesent duis proin molestie duis nunc dictumst gravida ut nisi.
Is this secure and HIPAA compliant?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet facilisis leo urna porttitor sed bibendum gravida dolore.Convallis arcu scelerisque quisque facilisis praesent.
vitae dolore senectus euismod iaculis maecenas dapibus phasellus risus.Porttitor vitae vivamus praesent duis proin molestie duis nunc dictumst gravida ut nisi.